Quality of selected commercial pickles and chutneys were evaluated by conducting a baseline survey on the
consumer attitude towards the products and analyzing the selected products for adulterants and performing sensory
evaluation. The pickle and chutney samples were analyzed in selected accredited laboratories for the
physicochemical parameters such as fluid portion percent by mass of the net mass, acidity as citric acid (% mg/gm),
sodium benzoate (mg/Kg), arsenic (mg/Kg), Lead (mg/Kg), copper (mg/Kg), zinc (mg/Kg), tin (mg/Kg). The result
showed that all the commercial samples have fluid portion within the BSTI range except samples ‘D’ and ‘E’ and all
the heavy metals were below the detection level. In case of samples ‘A’ and ‘B’ acidity was lower than the optimum
value. However, preservative used in the samples are much higher than that of accepted level. From the sensory and
organoleptic evaluation it was found that the average scores obtained by the pickles and chutney products for colour
& texture, taste & flavor, absence of defects and total scores were satisfactory in comparison to BSTI standard.
Concerning to total energy content mango pickles sample ‘A’ has greater energy content than sample ‘B’. Among
chutneys sample ‘C’ has greater energy content where sugar is the main source of energy. In conclusion, commercial
pickle and chutney may be recommended as safe and fit for consumption as the values for quality and sensory
parameters comply with the BSTI standards. The current views of consumers about the quality of commercial pickle
and chutney obtained from the baseline survey has been proved wrong after comparing analyzed values with those