Combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers can play an important role for increasing yield and quality of
soybean. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted at Genetics and Plant Breeding farm, Bangladesh Agricultural
University from July to November, 2011 to evaluate the effect of cowdung and poultry manure with chemical fertilizer
on the yield and quality of soybean cv. BINA soybean-2. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block
design having 9 treatments viz. control (CT), 100% recommended dose of chemical fertilizers (RDCF100%), 50%
RDCF (RDCF50%), cowdung 10 t ha-1 (CD10 t ha-1), 50% RDCF + CD 5 t ha-1 (RDCF50% + CD5 t ha-1), 75% RDCF + CD 3
t ha-1 (RDCF75% + CD3 t ha-1), poultry manure 3 t ha-1 (PM3 t ha-1), 50% RDCF + PM 1.5 t ha-1 (RDCF50% + PM1.5 t ha-1)
and 75% RDCF + PM 1 t ha-1 (RDCF75% + PM1 t ha-1) with 3 replications. All the treatments significantly influenced the
yield, yield attributing parameters and protein content except oil content of BINA soybean-2. The highest plant height,
yield, branches plant-1, filled pods plant-1, grain plant-1 and 100-grain wt. were found in RDCF100%, which were
statistically identical with RDCF75%+PM1 t ha-1 and RDCF75%+CD3 t ha-1 and the lowest values of all the parameters were
obtained from control treatment. The maximum protein content was observed in RDCF100%, which was identical to
RDCF75%+PM1 t ha-1 and RDCF75%+CD3 t ha-1 and the lowest value was found in control. The overall finding of this study
indicated that organic manure in combination with the recommended dose of chemical fertilizers can be applied to
achieve better yield and quality of soybean as well as to improve soil fertility status.