The study was conducted in three mungbean growing districts namely Barisal, Patuakhali and Noakhali of
Bangladesh during the period of 2010-11 to assess the extent of technology adoption, profitability, farmers’ attitude,
and constraints to mungbean. The study focuses the level of technology adoption for both input use and agronomic
practices follow by most of the farmers were close to the recommendation which was very encouraging. All the
farmers adopted improved mungben varieties and they were mostly influenced by DAE personnel and neighboring
farmers. The yield of improved mungbean was found 824 kg/ha, which was more or less same with the national
average of 820 kg/ha. The cultivation of improved mungbean was profitable since the net profit and BCR were
Tk.38850 and 1.62 respectively. The variables such as experience, training, organizational membership, relation with
different media, and mungbean suitable area had positive and significant influence in increasing the area under
mungbean cultivation. Maximum number of farmers showed positive attitude towards improved mungbean cultivation
of which 67% farmers wanted to increase its cultivation in the next year. The major constraints to improved
mungbean production were; high price of insecticides, lack of labour and disease and insect infestation.