The study is based on a field survey of 1208 households, spread over 62 villages of Bangladesh. The objectives of the study are to analyse the level of household income and its compositions by the intensity of irrigation in a village. The findings show that household income in highly irrigated village is lower than that of low irrigated village which is contrary to our hypothesis. Lower income is mainly due to smaller size of farm by 55 per cent over the low irrigated village. Impact of irrigation is however, clearly visible from higher per acre income (by 36 per cent), facilitated by larger adoption of modern rice. Further, higher household income in low irrigated village is predominantly due to more contribution from non-agricultural sources of income. The factors effecting income are not uniform in all the areas. The two most positive factors are number of non agricultural worker in a family and the household size. Among other factors, availability of electricity in low irrigated village, irrigation in highly irrigated village and institutional credit in medium irrigated village are found positively significant. This suggests that rural development policies should be made as far as possible area specific.