The paper showed analyzes the change of trends and determine the degree of the territorial polarization
of the main kinds of animal production in Poland. To assess the degree of territorial polarization adopted to
determine the angle of slope the line trend changes the attributes (a = tgα). The analysis shows that between
the 2002-2004 and 2009-2011 years, was found significant deepening of regional differences in the intensity
of cattle in Poland, and the territorial polarization stocking load of cattle amounted to more than 21°. The
observed differences between regions in terms of the loads pigs are still big, but in the analyzed period were
not worsened or rather there has been a small convergence (about 2.7°). The pigs stock in the period of
2002-2012 was reduced by almost 40%. Keeping this trend will affect the food security of the country but
also on the level of employment and income of the rural population and the resources of natural fertilizers
which are of great importance for soil fertility. Changes in cattle stock were quite small. In the analyzed
period total cattle population increased by 4.4% while the cows stock decreased by 14.4%.