I examine the welfare implications of informative advertising in a differentiated
product duopoly market. The analysis reconciles the apparently conflicting results in previous
studies that find advertising to be undersupplied in homogeneous product markets and in
differentiated markets with a limited number of firms, but oversupplied in differentiated markets
with a large number of firms. In equilibrium, purely informative advertising is always
overprovided when the degree of product differentiation exceeds a threshold level. The result is
robust and obtains under conditions of both price and quantity competition. Product
differentiation also has welfare implications for the effect of technological change in the
advertising sector. In response to an advertising cost innovation (e.g., through the emergence of
cable TV and internet media), the equilibrium prices and advertising levels converge to the
social optimum when the products are sufficiently non-differentiated, whereas divergence
occurs for more differentiated goods