Near natural forest management is performed by use of domestic
tree species that are able to regenerate naturally. One of the long-term key
objectives is to achieve more structural richness in the form of uneven-aged
mixed species forests dependent on so-called forest development types that
are allocated with support in ecological mapping. A goal of perfection or an
ideal structure may be sought by replication of the normal forest structure
that takes the form of an inverse J-shape when analysing the stem number
ha-1 as a function of diameter. Here alternative approaches applying the
extreme and mean ratio (1.61803) are developed with the purpose to
describe and analyse the ideal or perfect structure of an uneven-aged forest
of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) site index 1. The so-called golden
ratio is applied for example in determining midpoints of diameter classes
based on the assumption that the relation between the stem number ha-1 in
adjacent diameter classes is equal to the golden ratio. Solutions are found by
use of Markov chains through solution of recursive equations applying
linear programming. Alternative approaches where the golden ratio is
applied as a structural goal are analysed.