In France, organic farming covers only 3.5% of the utilized agricultural area (2011 figures; source: Agence Bio), a figure lower than the European average and below the objectives fixed by the Grenelle de l’Environnement in 2007. The PEPP project (role of the economic performance of business farms and sectors, and public policies, in the development of organic agriculture) which was granted financial support from the INRA Agribio3 research programme, aims to identify the factors which influence the development of organic farming in France. A study carried out on three levels (farm, municipality and sector) highlights the drivers of organic farming practice in France (obstacles and incentives). At farm level, the economic factor is central but other considerations, like environmental sensitivity, are taken into account. At geographical level, territorial anchoring influences the spread of organic farming in a contrasted way. This study highlights the fact that the development of organic farming in France would require concerted dialogue at sector level.