After the political, economic and social transformation in 1989-1990, the farm structure in Hungary became
undoubtedly more diverse than earlier. The new farm structure is radically different from the characteristics
of its main competitors, mainly of other EU member states. The past two decades after the transition was a
period long enough to appreciate the characteristics and the main changes in the farm structure, so the current
relevance of this topic is unquestionable. Viability, subsistence and competitiveness are significant concepts
which could be measured by the profitability of the agricultural holdings. It is very important to define the
main criteria of viability, subsistence and competitiveness but we should not forget the multifunctional role of
agriculture as this could solve very important challenges, especially in maintaining the rural population and
helping their livelihoods.....Nakon političkih, ekonomskih i društvenih promjena od 1989.-1990. struktura farmi se u Mađarskoj bez sumnje značajno promijenila u odnosu na prethodno razdoblje. Nova struktura farme bitno se razlikuje po svojim obilježjima od strukture farme glavnih konkurenata, uglavnom ostalih zemalja članica EU. Protekla dva desetljeća nakon tranzicije trebala su biti dovoljna da se procijene karakteristike i glavne promjene u strukturi farme, tako da je trenutna važnost teme neupitna. Održivost, opstanak i konkurentost predstavljaju važan koncept koji bi se mogao mjeriti profitabilnošću poljoprivrednih posjeda. Vrlo je bitno odrediti glavne kriterije održivosti, opstanka i konkurentosti, no ne smijemo smetnuti s uma multifunkcionalnu ulogu poljoprivrede, budući da ona može riješti važne izazove, posebice u zadržavanju ruralne populacije i pomoći njihovim domaćinstvima.