This briefing paper presents some facts that pertain to the overall performance of
the milk-marketing channel in New England. It updates information provided in
earlier papers that focused upon dairy pricing during and immediately prior to the
Compact era. (Cotterill, 2001a, b, Cotterill and Franklin, 2001a, b, c ).Those papers
are available on our website Click on “Northeast Dairy Compact” to locate them.
Figure 1 updates price series in these prior papers. It uses the Order One Market
Administrator’s retail price series for Boston and the Compact or Class 1 announced
raw fluid milk price series to track monthly and retail and “farm” prices from January
1996 to October 2002. The two vertical lines identify the advent and end of the
Northeast Dairy Compact. Note that the farm price dropped dramatically soon after the end of the Compact and has trended down to less than $1.15 per gallon in October