In recent years, legal and social pressures in favor of environmental affairs have
increased in several countries, including Brazil. If, before, concerns were mainly focused
on large polluting companies, nowadays, the agricultural sector is also influenced by this
matter. Considering this scenario, this study aims to identify which are the main factors
that lead rural producers to perform the milk run process. In order to evaluate this process,
questionnaires were sent to 398 farmers (residents in Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais
States), producers of soybean, coffee, tobacco, beans and strawberry. We analyzed both
environmental and legal issues. In order to achieve the objective proposed, a quantitative approach was adopted, using multiple regression analysis. In the regression model estimated, it was observed that, in
the process of collecting packaging, three questions were related to environmental awareness: i) handling pesticides
and current legislation, ii) adoption of new technology and practices, and iii) risks to human health. Empirical
findings in environmental awareness receive strong interference of factors relating to the handling of pesticides and
current legislation.