Tbis report presents bistmcal data on food consumption, prices, expenditures, and U.S. income and population. In 1992, each American consumed, OIl average, 63 pounds of beef, 50 pounds of pork, 46 pounds of chicken, 15 pounds of fish and shellfish, 14 pounds of turkey, and about 1 pound each of lamb and veal (boneless, trimmed equivalent). That's 18 pounds less red meat, 26 pounds more poultry, and 3 pounds more fish and shellfish than in 1970. Retail food prices in 1992, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, averaged 1.2 percent above those in 1991, less than half the 1991 price increase of 2.9 percent. Moreover, the 1992 increase was the lowest since 1967, when the index rose 0.9 pelCeDt. Americans spent $606 billion fm' food in 1992 and another $87 billion for alcoholic beverages. Away-from-boole meals 8Ild snacks captured 45 percent of the U.S. food dollar in 1992, up from 39 percent in 1980 and 34 percent in 1970. The percentage of disposable personal income spent for food declined from 13.9 percent in 1970 to 11.5 percent in 1992.