Based on surveys carried out in 2009 and 2012 it can be suggested that the web presentations of agritourism
farms are virtually unchanged. The quality of the web pages for the same farms is statistically higher only
for the criterion of “Content – structure” of websites. It can be assumed that in 2012 farmers devoted more
attention to the structure of information that is presented on their own websites. Farms that have their own
domain name show statistically significantly higher quality websites.
Generally, it can be said that the website presentations of agritourism farms do not use the new approaches
to the internet technologies as much as they could. For this reason, an approach has been proposed for
upgrading the www presentations of lesser quality by means of the WCMS WordPress. It is recommended to use
the Web 2.0 technologies, e.g. integrate through the mashup technologies the associated information sources
into the websites (links to social networks and weather forecasts or the RSS sources in a given region).
This paper was elaborated within the framework of the solution VZ MSM 6046070906 „Economics sources
of Czech agriculture and their efficient use in the context of m ultifunctional agri-food systems“.