This paper examines the consumption patterns of higher- and lower-income consumers for fresh fruit and vegetables.
Supermarket scanner data are obtained for every fresh fruit and vegetable sold in six supermarkets over 69 weeks
during 2001 and 2002. These data are collected from three inner-city stores (lower income) and three suburban stores
(higher income) in Columbus, Ohio. These data are segmented into eight sub-categories of fruit and six sub-categories
of vegetables. An error correction model consisting of 14 equations is specifi ed and estimated using the time series
cross-section regression procedure in SAS. Results show lower-income consumers to be more price-sensitive and more
careful shoppers, as compared to higher-income shoppers. Lower-income shoppers are shown to make larger purchases
from the lower-priced sub-categories of fruit and vegetables and they invariably pay lower prices. These purchase
patterns suggest that income constrains the purchase behavior of lower-income consumers and, if higher consumption
of fresh fruits and vegetables is critical to alleviating overweight and obesity among lower-income Americans,
the analyses suggest a need for some type of market intervention to make fresh fruits and vegetables more affordable
(e.g., price subsidies).