Within the context of liberalisation experienced by the Malian economy since
the beginning of the 1990s, spatial integration of cereal markets has been
considered as a major tool as to avoid localised shortages due to production
shortfalls. However, market dynamic reveals since then new patterns: the
diversification of urban consumer demand towards "modern cereals", in
particular rice and maize, drives the segmentation of the cereal market. As
consumer s are likely to substitute traditional cereals, like millet and sorghum,
for other cereal types, new market segments emerge.
We account for this evolution with a theoretical model à la Hotelling : the good
is considered according to two characteristics, the spatial localisation (local
market) and the cereal type. We show that, as far as market integration implies
the reduction of transaction, it affects the strategic decisions of sellers. In fact,
incentives to invest in product differentiation (and exploit new market
segments) rises relatively to the incentives to take advantage of spatial price
differentials, as they decrease.
Last, we test this analytical proposition on price data collected by the
agricultural market information system (SIM/PAM) from 1990 to 2004 on 6
local markets in central and northern Mali. We apply a vector error - correction
model, and find evidence for the intensification of spatial co- integration
relations during the period. Moreover, we relate this latter dynamics to the
evolution towards the segmentation of cereal markets in Mali. Last, the leader
markets of this progression are identified as being the central urban markets.