Cereal foods' production and use show substantial heterogeneity across
Europe. For a category central in most EU diets, cereal foods' quality perception is,
nevertheless, surprisingly understudied. With this in mind, 357 Danish, Lithuanian
and Portuguese citizens were inquired about the importance of several cues and
dimensions in their evaluation of the perceived quality of bread, cookies, breakfast
cereals, pasta and vodka. Portuguese and Lithuanians consistently gave a
significantly higher average importance to all the cues and quality dimensions
considered, for all products, than their Danish counterparts. Nevertheless,
respondents in all three samples found expected quality dimensions to be much
more important than both extrinsic and intrinsic cues across almost all product
categories. Dimensions and cues like taste and country - of- origin were the most
relevant to Lithuanians, while taste , label information and price were the most
important for Danes. The cues and dimensions Portuguese found relevant were
fairly different and more category- dependent. Cues like store type for bread, brand
for breakfast cereals, pasta and vodka, country - of- origin for vodka , and price for
cookies, pasta and vodka were more often assessed by the Portuguese as relevant
for decision- making at the point - of- purchase. This highlights the need for further
cross - cultural research on food quality perception.