This paper reports the levels of HACCP implementation, costs of
implementation and operation, and benefits of implementation for the
Greek meat industry. Hundred twenty enterprises were surveyed, with a
51.66% response rate. Only 24.19% of the enterprises interviewed had
totally adopted HACCP, while 22.58% did not have an interest in adoption.
The norm of ISO 9000 appeared to be an intermediate step in HACCP
implementation. The results indicate that investment in new equipment
and microbiological tests of products accounted for most of the
implementation and operational costs, respectively. The main benefit
reported was reduction in microbial counts, while staff training was
reported as a significant problem. The study also shows that although the
level of total HACCP implementation is not high, HACCP has implications
for both the domestic and international markets. This study offers new
information about the costs and benefits of HACCP implementation by
the Greek meat industry. The main objective is to analyze the degree to
which the HACCP system has been implemented by the meat industry,
and the relationship between HACCP implementation and ISO 9000. In
addition, it indicates the importance of major costs, problems, and
benefits of implementation and their impact on domestic and
international markets.