Working Papers

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Working Papers 21 records found 1 - 10nextSearch took 0.14 seconds. 
This paper focuses on the U.S. tariff preference afforded to Mexico vis-à-vis non-NAFTA trading partners, and allows us to evaluate the impact of NAFTA in a manner consi [...]
English | 2002 | Working or Discussion Paper |
This paper introduces a set of new estimates of NTM price gaps in a standard simulation model and studies the economic effects of their removal. The economic impact of re [...]
English | 2003 | Working or Discussion Paper |
Data representing transshipment or re-exports are almost always excluded from analytical portrayals of international trade, yet transshipment is potentially an important [...]
English | 2004 | Working or Discussion Paper |
Using a comparative-static general equilibrium model and in the context of the western hemisphere, this paper compares the economic effects of a "hub-and-spokes (HAS)" ty [...]
English | 2004 | Working or Discussion Paper |
The compilation of NTMs for goods and services described in this paper cover 53 countries, and it was constructed so as to focus upon members of the Asia Pacific Economic [...]
English | 2005 | Working or Discussion Paper |
Developing countries are participating in bilateral and multilateral trade agreements in record numbers. Despite their eagerness to improve market access, fears remain th [...]
English | 2002 | Working or Discussion Paper |
The few empirical studies which examine the effects of preferential trade liberalization on growth find no direct relationship between membership in a PTA and growth acro [...]
English | 2002 | Working or Discussion Paper |
Total U.S. trade with NAFTA partners has increased 78 percent in real terms since 1993-U.S.-Mexico trade alone is up 141 percent- compared to a 43 percent increase in U.S [...]
English | 2002 | Working or Discussion Paper |
Many improvements have been proposed for the basic gravity model specification, most of which are confirmed by standard statistical tests due to the large number of obser [...]
English | 2004 | Working or Discussion Paper |

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