2007 Annual Meeting, February 4-7, 2007, Mobile, Alabama

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2007 Annual Meeting, February 4-7, 2007, Mobile, Alabama 99 records found 1 - 10nextSearch took 0.13 seconds. 
Specialty crop agriculture may be affected by immigration reform given that most farm workers are foreign-born and unauthorized for U.S. employment. Controlling for sele [...]
English | 2007 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Effects of perceived attributes of soyfoods on the consumption pattern for six different soyfood products were evaluated. Perceived attributes included convenience, healt [...]
English | 2007 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Online surveys have emerged as low-cost data collection approach in empirical researches; however, the validity of data remains questionable. Therefore, we employed a sto [...]
English | 2007 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
The declining availability of irrigation water from the Ogallala aquifer combined with increasing energy costs make irrigation strategies much more critical. Irrigation s [...]
English | 2007 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
This paper uses the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model to analyze two issues 1) The effect of the implementation of mandatory country of origin labeling and 2) the e [...]
English | 2007 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
A reasonably precise estimate of the number of harvest days is necessary to determine the investment in harvest machines required to support a lignocellulosic biorefinery [...]
English | 2007 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
This study provides guidance for cotton marketing efforts by determining major market segments with quality thresholds for West Texas. Given its present quality performan [...]
English | 2007 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
The 2004 federal tobacco buyout ended the longstanding tobacco quota and price support programs, and also eliminated all tobacco reporting requirements. Producers are ad [...]
English | 2007 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Expansion of the wastes coordinated by the Ozark Poultry Litter Bank is needed. This study examined a method of combining low value poultry wastes to produce compost. A [...]
English | 2007 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Mailbox milk prices from a representative dairy operation in Illinois are used to gauge the farm-level hedging effectiveness of Class III milk futures. The results ind [...]
English | 2007 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |

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