This paper presents estimates of the benefits of clearing landmines in rural Thailand using the contingent-valuation (CV) method. The data came from a survey where we ask [...]
2004-06 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Past empirical benefit measures and other information originally obtained through primary data collection can be used for assessing and analyzing current management and p [...]
2004-06 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
One economic tool that can aid in the achievement of waste minimisation targets is unit-pricing. Unit-pricing in the waste management sector refers to a pricing system th [...]
2004-06 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
The tariff rate quota (TRQ) system was formalised in the Uruguay Round with the aim of maintaining and improving market access for agricultural products. Under this syste [...]
2004-06 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
2004-06 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
This paper examines how a Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO) might successfully achieve effective control of a high seas fishery in the context of partial [...]
2004-06 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Over the period 1991-2003, New Zealand’s milk production more than doubled. At the same time, dairy farming expanded its boundaries into non-traditional dairy productio [...]
2004-06 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) undertakes forecasts and projections of livestock numbers as part of the twice yearly contribution to The Treasury’s econom [...]
2004-06 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Previous papers at this conference over the years have dealt with trends in productivity in the total agricultural sector, the forestry sector and the dairy sector. Produ [...]
2004-06 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
MoRST is performing an evaluation of the funds invested in environmental research. The two case studies discussed in this paper contribute to the ongoing decision-making [...]
2004-06 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |