For decades, food security has been a worldwide problem affecting the poorest in order to find a
possible solution to this dilemma that not only continues, but constantly grows with the
increase in population. Agriculture, as the main food supplier, has evolved and increased its
productivity, and has expanded its agricultural frontiers, since previous decades, in its attempts
to solve this problem. If predominant conventional agriculture (mainly dedicated to
productivity) is complemented with substantial increase of transgenic, organic,
agroecological, greenhouse and hydroponic crops, it will be more feasible to avoid the loss of
forest, the damage and loss of soils and at the same time diminish food insecurity. Within this
context, the agribusiness manager and other professionals related with the farming and
economic activities, have given an ample and important contribution. From the management of
agriculture at local, national and international levels to the management of livestock and other
related enterprises, being the bases of food production in any country, agricultural
administrators have substantially helped to solve the problem. Their contribution can also be
seen in education, investigation, training and political design.