The Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF) provides a single framework for
monitoring and evaluation of all EU Rural Development Programmes (RDP) in the current
programming period (2007-2013). It provides continuity from previous periods and constitutes
a significant simplification as regards assessment of results and impacts, while at the same time
offering greater flexibility to Member States.
The European Evaluation Network for Rural Development has published a Working Paper on
Approaches for assessing the impacts of the Rural Development Programmes in the context of
multiple intervening factors. The aim of the Working Paper is to inspire and to encourage
programme evaluators, not to restrict or constrain them.
From a methodological perspective, the three common socio-economic impact indicators of the
CMEF (economic growth, employment creation, labour productivity) are more closely related
than the four common environmental impact indicators (reversing biodiversity decline,
maintenance of High Nature Value faming and forestry, improvement in water quality,
contribution to combating climate change).