The UNICEF-expanded model for nutrition is used to analyze the circumstances of
care in urban environments. The model postulates that there are six major types of care
behaviors: feeding and breast-feeding, food preparation and handling, hygiene behavior,
psychosocial care, care for women, and home health practices. These behaviors require
the resources of education and knowledge of the caregivers, the physical and mental
health of caregivers, autonomy in decisionmaking, time availability, and the social
support of the family and community in order to ensure adequate care for the child. This
paper describes each of these constraints, and two of the behaviors (feeding and health
care utilization) in urban and rural areas. Data from Demographic and Health Surveys
(DHS) in eight countries in Eastern and Southern Africa were used to illustrate how
existing data can be used to examine care, and what research questions remain to be
addressed to understand care in the urban setting.
A number of differences favor the urban environment over the rural environment:
in general, child malnutrition is less (though this may not be true in poor urban areas),
maternal education levels are higher, and knowledge of health care practices is greater.
On the other hand, breast-feeding seems to be less frequent and of shorter duration. It is
argued that care may be even more important in urban rather than rural settings for child
health and survival in low-income neighborhoods. Caution is needed when comparing
urban and rural areas, however, because there are often enormous care, health, and
nutrition differences between poor-income and middle-to-high-income areas of cities.
Through the application of the expanded UNICEF model, a research agenda was