In 2003 a research study looked at the position of smallholders; the survey was carried out
using questionnaires and interviews. The 613 farms included in the survey were situated in 3
counties in the Southern Great Plain of Hungary and in 3 counties of the Western part of the
country (Transdanubia). The results of the survey showed that there was a firm tendency of
concentration among the Hungarian individual farms. Though their average size is about 3 ha,
the number and area of farms over 50 ha size are rapidly growing and taking a significant part
of the total individual agricultural area. The number of small farms is great but their total
farming area is relatively small. The concentration takes place primarily due to renting. The
land market is sluggish mainly owing to the land-buying restrictions and the small intention to
sell of those owners who are waiting for higher prices. Land prices are low but rising,
especially on the western border of the country, near to Austria.