While greater growth in agriculture and the broader rural sector is crucial for
ameliorating Africa's high levels of poverty and malnutrition, developing strategies to
achieve these objectives is hindered by a number of factors, including the broad array of
interventions needed, the lack of accurate data, and dearth of trained local policy analysts.
As such, this paper proposes a Strategic Analysis Knowledge Support System (SAKSS)
in which data, tools, and knowledge are compiled, analyzed, and disseminated for the
purposes of identifying a set of priority investment and policy options to promote
agricultural growth and rural development. These analyses can in turn help inform the
broader process of designing, implementing, and monitoring and evaluating a country's
rural development strategy. In order to be an influential and sustainable part of this
process and become a genuine "knowledge system," SAKSS will need to be established
with an awareness of each country's development priorities and unique political, social,
and economic context. By institutionalizing SAKSS through a network structure that
includes government ministries, research institutions, universities, regional organizations,
non-governmental organizations, and donors, SAKSS can become not only more relevant
and legitimate for its intended end-users but also help strengthen local analytical capacity
to inform the policy debate on future development strategies and outcomes.