The Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) — Bactrocera tryoni — poses a significant threat to horticultural
production in Victoria causing losses of fruit and jeopardising access to interstate and international
markets. The Victorian Government implements and largely funds an area freedom program to
manage QFF. Concern about the record number of outbreaks in 2007-08 and the escalating costs of
maintaining the current management regime, led the Victorian Department of Primary Industries to
review the program to identify improved strategies for managing QFF. As part of this work, a benefit
cost analysis (BCA) of alternative strategies has been conducted. While the BCA method is well
established, in general few studies are publicly available for area freedom programs. In this paper a
number of the practical issues encountered in analysing area freedom are detailed, such as estimating
welfare effects, how to consider social and environmental costs and benefits and incorporating risk for
managing pests. Implications for policy and the design of future programs are discussed. The
approach and issues identified in this paper provide insights for other agencies undertaking similar BCAs to inform biosecurity policy.