Rural and urban spaces are usually regarded as “separate” in both development
theory and practice. Yet there are myriad links between them. Urban areas, including
regional urban centers such as local market towns, provide households with new
opportunities to sell goods and services. These opportunities increase household income
by employing previously unemployed household resources or because households
reallocate household resources so as to take advantage of new, more profitable activities.
Links to market towns improve the prices received by rural households because
households can benefit from increased demand for their goods or because the larger
market is better able to absorb production from rural areas without causing prices to
decline. These links allow households access to a wider variety of productive inputs and
services, to better quality inputs or to inputs that are available on a timely basis. Benefits
in terms of price, variety, and quality also apply to the purchase of goods for
Despite the many potential benefits, the importance of local and regional urban
centers (towns and small- and medium-size cities, as opposed to large cities and
metropolitan areas) to rural livelihoods remains largely under-researched. Knowing more
about the nature of links of rural households to market towns is important for guiding
regional development policies and poverty-reduction strategies.
This paper uses longitudinal data from 15 villages in rural Ethiopia to explore the
nature and consequences of these links. It addresses the following questions: (1) What
are the links between rural households and local urban centers? (2) Does better access to
local market towns affect household economic behavior? and (3) Does better access to
local market towns make households better off?
Three core findings emerge. First, rural households undertake a significant
proportion of their economic transactions in local market towns. These localities are the
site for about half the purchases of inputs used in agricultural production, from a quarter
to three-quarters of sales of crops and livestock. They are the primary location of the sale
of artisanal products, particularly by women. More than half of household purchases of
consumables and various types of foods occur in these market towns. Strikingly, these
are, largely, the only urban localities in which these rural households undertake economic
activities. Apart from remittances, there are few direct links with more distant urban
centers or the capital city. Second, access to market towns affects economic activity in
rural areas. The more remote they are from these towns, the less likely households are to
purchase inputs or sell a variety of products. Third, improved access to market towns has
positive effects on welfare. Improving the presence of roads and their quality and
improved transport increases consumption outcomes: the effects are substantial and
strongly significant. Furthermore, communities with better roads have persistently higher
growth rates than others. More remote communities in terms of distance to town have a
(relatively weak) tendency to grow slower, beyond any of the effects related to
Development debates are predicated on the separateness of urban and rural
spaces. But while one should be cautious in overinterpreting the results from this study,
given the relatively small number of localities, the results suggest that local market towns
and cities play a key role in providing space for the economic activities of rural
households. Their role in connecting urban and rural areas suggests that drawing too
strong a divide between rural and urban localities, and envisioning that economic
activities are confined to respective urban and rural areas, are misleading.
Rather than seeing the urban and rural sectors as being distinct, a more fruitful
approach is to see them as a continuum, running from the capital city, to larger regional
centers, to smaller market towns, to the rural spaces in which our respondents live. The
extent to which a strategy focusing more on urban or rural localities will “spill over” onto
the other will depend on how closely they are tied together. In our results, market towns
and cities are an important source of demand for products produced in rural areas, and
rural residents are a source of demand for goods sold in urban areas. Improving the
presence of roads, their quality, and improved transport are important factors that will
further bind these spaces together and improve rural welfare.