INFFER (Investment Framework for Environmental Resources) was developed to help
investors of public funds to improve the delivery of outcomes from environmental programs.
It assists environmental managers to design projects, to select delivery mechanisms, and to
rank competing projects on the basis of benefits and costs. The design of INFFER and the
activities of the INFFER projects are based on extensive experience of working with
environmental managers and policy makers. This experience has highlighted a number of
important practical lessons, that have strongly influenced the design and implementation of
INFFER. These lessons include the need for simplicity, training and support of users, trusting
relationships with users, transparency, flexibility, compatibility with the needs and contexts
of users, and supportive institutional arrangements. In additions, the developers have paid
close attention to the need for processes that are theoretically rigorous, resulting in a tool that
deals appropriately and consistently with projects for different assets types, of different scales
and durations, consistent with Benefit: Cost Analysis. The paper outlines theoretical
considerations underpinning the way that INFFER deals with asset valuation, time lags,
uncertainty, and the design of the metric used to rank projects.