Power plays a key role in any chain relationship. In the past large manufacturers such as Unilever and
Nestle were the most dominant players in the chain. However, as a result of consolidation among retailers, power has
shifted towards retailers. Nowadays such retailers as Wal-Mart, Carrefour, and Tesco are seen as powerful
gatekeepers controlling the access to the end consumer. Moreover, branded manufacturers and large multinational
retailers become increasingly dependent on fewer and larger suppliers who can deliver high quality products at
competitive prices. Since many decades there is discussion going on about the role of power in chains and marketing
channels. In order to understand how power and its interactions with other constructs in the chain can be used
beneficially for management of the whole chain, it is of great importance to investigate the influences and effects of
power. Some of the phenomena which are said to be influenced by power include performance, satisfaction,
commitment, relationship quality, conflict, compliance, problem solving, chain integration and collaboration. In this
context, the aim of our work is to analyze and systemize existing empirical studies, which measure the influences of
power on other phenomena, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of existing conceptualizations of power, in
order to add clarity to the existing turmoil in the literature and contribute to the understanding of the role of power in
chains and marketing channels for managerial purposes.