The aim of this research is to find a concrete construction methodology of the
Metapontum Agro - food district by three main phases: awaking of the operators and
the institutional stakeholders (got together in the district’s local web); economicterritorial
analysis; experimentation. This last phase will be the final step of the
project, i.e. creation of the Development Centre - Formative laboratory, where both
new methodologies of services’ spreading on enterprises and new methodologies of
formation-information for operators and new potential entrepreneurs will be tested.
This new methodology, based on the Learning Organization, set in the usual
“district approach” to the local development, will employ information
technology, solutions regarding the economic and the agricultural field, as well as
training of human resources; this will follow the PSR 2007 – 2013 of Basilicata
Region and the rural development program (PIT for the district). Therefore, after
the analysis to identify the territorial organization of local development we can plan the
new model of district, beginning from integrated supply chain.
This will facilitate the construction of a Society of District - Service Center can
organize territorially local development and to optimize the planned investments from
financial instruments offered by the PSR, to provide horizontal services (training,
promotion, internationalization, etc.) to member companies to increase efficiency of
management effectiveness.
In this context, based on the development of knowledge and ability to do business,
underpinning the organization of the Center to ensure improved outcomes for
companies and local business.