Belgrade, as administrative, economic and cultural centre of Republic of Serbia, covers
total area of 3.224 km2. From this area, 69,1% is agricultural land, which represents
fundamental base for establishment of agricultural production. Live stock breeding, on
the territory of Belgrade city, as well as in entire Republic of Serbia, is the most
important branch of agriculture. On observed territory animal products’ processing
industry (dairies and slaughter houses) especially is developed. Because of that,
increment of total live stock breeding production is of great importance for this territory.
For growth of live stock breeding competitiveness, in this paper work concrete activities
are suggested, such as specialization and increment of production intensity,
accomplishment of better financial conditions, selection, accomplishment of better
primary agricultural products purchase, etc.
In this paper work also are considered and described necessary measures which have to
be done by governmental institution, local communities, agro complex companies and
family husbandries, with main goal to increase livestock breeding production