Background: The nutrition transition occurring in many developing countries
may invite the misconception that diets are moving entirely away from undernutrition
toward problems of excess. But despite the sufficiency of energy in these countries, diet
quality is poor and micronutrient deficiencies often remain. In this context, micronutrient
deficiencies may actually contribute to the development and severity of diet-related
chronic diseases.
Objectives: This paper discusses the potential long-term effects of micronutrient
malnutrition in early childhood on obesity and related disease outcomes. The links
between early micronutrient malnutrition, stunting, and subsequent short adult stature—
emerging risk factors for obesity and associated chronic diseases—are reviewed. This
paper also explores recent literature linking micronutrient malnutrition in adults to
increased risk and severity of chronic disease. Finally, this paper discusses the program
and policy implications of these relationships.
Methods: Literature searches on the topics of interest were conducted in Medline.
This paper is not the result of a systematic literature review, but rather discusses relevant
literature to bring attention to links between under- and over-nutrition that have not been
widely considered.
Conclusions: In children, micronutrient malnutrition is a cause of stunting and
may be accompanied by metabolic adaptations that increase the risk of later obesity and
related disease. In adults, deficiencies in key micronutrients may promote oxidative
stress, folate deficiency may increase risk for heart disease, and zinc deficiency may be
exacerbated in the presence of diabetes while also affecting glucose transport. Low fruit
and vegetable consumption may additionally increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
(CVD) and cancer through a variety of mechanisms. The importance of supporting programs and policies that address the spectrum of malnutrition, including micronutrient
malnutrition and emerging obesity together, is stressed.