Studies about GAFTA’s impact on Syria are still few, especially those about its impacts on the agricultural sector. In fact, concerned researchers are in urgent need to know recent developments in GAFTA implementation and to review its updated impacts on Syrian agricultural sector. Therefore, we, NAPC, suggested producing a working paper about GAFTA, including revision for its current situation, its implementation’s impact on Syrian agricultural trade, and economic regression for Syrian- GAFTA members trade comparing with Syrian- third parties trade (especially the EU). In addition to the general introduction, the paper also includes an evaluation to the Syrian position on the scale of GAFTA targets’ achievement. The paper checks commercial developments resulted from GAFTA implementation through comparative study for one years before and one after the agreement (1995 and 2005) and evaluate these developments numerically by various trade indicators. After then, an economic study is performed for analysing GAFTA impacts on GAFTA intra trade, and then lastly comes paper’s conclusions. Moreover, (Abedini and Péridy, 2006) paper was considered as a reference paper; Data from the mentioned paper and from various sources, such as international monetary fund (IMF) database, National Agricultural Policy Centre (NAPC) database and Central Bureau of Statistics in Syria, beside other sources were all benefited. Although the regression model results of analysis in this paper were not significant, the paper concluded some substantial results and recommendations, which are listed and detailed at the end.