This paper compares and contrasts the science and public perceptions of the role of forests in relation
to water quantity (annual and seasonal runoff and recharge) and erosion. It is suggested that the disparity
between the two perceptions needs to be addressed before we are in a position to devise and develop
financing mechanisms for the conservation and protection of indigenous forests.
Examples are given of three ‘interactive’ forest hydrology research programmes: in the UK, South
Africa and Panama. Through the involvement of stakeholder groups, often with representatives
comprising both the science and public perceptions, interactive research programmes were designed not
only to derive new research findings but also to achieve better ‘ownership’ and acceptance of research
findings by the stakeholders.
Following this approach, a new programme of research is outlined, aimed at improving our
knowledge of forest impacts on seasonal flows and which represents DFID’s contribution to the UN
Year of Mountains, 2002.
It is concluded that to move towards a reconciliation of the different perceptions and to connect policy
with science will require further research to understand how the ‘belief’ systems underlying the science
and public perceptions have evolved, and better dissemination of research findings.