Policymaking initiatives in agriculture and public health are often pursued in a parallel and unconnected fashion.
Yet coherent, joint action in agriculture and health could have large potential benefits and substantially
reduce risks for the poor. Among development professionals there is growing recognition that agriculture influences
health, and health influences agriculture, and that both in turn have profound implications for poverty
reduction. This recognition suggests that opportunities exist for agriculture to contribute to better health,
and for health to contribute to agricultural productivity. To take advantage of these opportunities, however, it
is crucial to understand the precise linkages between the two sectors. How do the linkages work? Where do
opportunities for joint action lie, and what are the impediments? How can the agricultural and health sectors
work together more closely and thereby contribute to addressing poverty?
To help increase the synergies, IFPRI and its sister centers in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research (CGIAR) have begun an initiative on agriculture and health. Part of this initiative is promoting
better coordination of health-related research among CGIAR centers and various partners in the health
sector. The linkages between agriculture and health are dynamic and complex, and working across sectors
presents significant institutional challenges.
The policy briefs presented here draw on a wide body of research conducted within and outside the CGIAR.
They provide a historical context to the links between agriculture and health, deal with specific health conditions
and agricultural systems, and examine the challenges to linking agriculture and health in policy.