Water markets provide one of the most promising institutional mechanisms for
increasing access to irrigation from groundwater, particularly for tenants and small
farmers. While water markets are found in all provinces of Pakistan, they are most
prevalent in canal irrigated areas of Punjab and in NWFP. This study reviews the
emerging literature on water markets and uses farm-level survey data to examine the
performance of groundwater markets, with particular emphasis on Faisalabad District in
Punjab and Dir District in NWFP.
Findings indicate that, while large landowners are more likely to own tubewells
and pumps, smaller landowners and tenants are more likely to rely on purchases from
other farmers' tubewells for access to groundwater. The distance over which water can
be transported provides a limitation to water market sales, but lined watercourses increase
the distance over which tubewell water can be sold. Contractual arrangements for water
in the IFPRI study areas of Faisalabad and Dir districts include hourly charges, buyer
providing the fuel plus a fee for wear and tear, and sharecropping for water.
While all types of irrigation--canal, purchased groundwater, and own tubewell
water--are shown to increase yields of wheat, groundwater has a higher impact than canal
water, and water from own tubewells, which provides farmers with the greatest degree of
control, has a greater effect on yields than purchased groundwater. Unreliability of
access to purchased tubewell water was a problem for over half of water buyers in the
study areas. This analysis indicates that purchasers are more likely to have unreliable
access to groundwater if they buy water from small-capacity, electric-powered tubewells,
if they are young and own little or no land.
Policy measures to improve access to and reliability of groundwater through water
markets include increasing the density of tubewells, especially by assisting small farmers
to purchase tubewells; lining water delivery channels; and providing more reliable
electrical power supply to rural areas. Further research is needed on how water markets
work in less favorable environments, such as those with salinity, waterlogging, or falling
water tables, and to identify policy interventions that are appropriate under each set of