A survey of the management of reproduction on 66 Scottish suckler herds calving
in spring 2003 was analysed using multiple regression. The predicted mean value
of suckled calves produced was £237/cow (SE 1.8). The regression coefficients of
the predictors was 0.74 (0.05), 15 (3.9) and 248 (16.5) for date of first calving,
average number of 21-day calving periods (calving spread) and proportion of cows
barren respectively. Improving each predictor by 1 SD had the combined potential
to improve predicted calf value by £64/cow, over 80% of the current typical gross
margin for this type of enterprise. Bull care had a significant influence on calving
spread and number of biosecurity measures taken had a positive influence on the
proportion of cows barren. However, length of breeding season had no significant
impact on the above predictors. Reproductive performance was highly variable and
indicators were considerably poorer than published targets. It was concluded that
farmers in this sample were not managing their herds for high reproductive
performance and output as often advocated. This result suggests considerable
scope for improved private and public benefits from the management of
reproduction in this type of beef production system.