

Coastal abrasion causes physical damage and causes an imbalance in the ecosystem due to changes in the landscape of the coastal area. If this happens, it will inundate the land area widely, even to residential areas in an area close to the coast. The existence of mangroves with various abrasion prevention and control efforts is very important to be known and understood by the community. This research was conducted in December 2021, which was located in Passahakue Hamlet, Pasimarannu Village, Sinjai Timur District, Sinjai Regency and at the Sinjai Muhammadiyah University Campus in the Water Resources Management Study Program, the type of research to be carried out was descriptive quantitative research, with sources data consisting of Primary Data and Secondary Data as a support, data collection techniques were carried out by accidental sampling, field observations, distributing questionnaires and conducting interviews. The total population is 257 people while the sample size is 72 people with a confidence interval of 10%. Based on the results of the analysis carried out, the average obtained for the role of the community in managing mangrove ecosystems for mitigating coastal abrasion is 2.88 which is included in the "good enough" category.




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