

The study investigated participation of rural dwellers in Community-Based Natural Resources Management Programme (CBNRMP) in Ondo State, Nigeria. Data were gathered through structured interview schedule from 120 rural dwellers participating in CBNRMP. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as frequency counts, percentage, mean and standard deviation while Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used to test the hypothesis set. Results of the study showed that the mean age of rural dwellers participating in CBNRMP in the study area was 56.2? 16.8 years. Many (56.7%) of them were married and spent an average of 12.3? 9.5 years in formal school. The majority (83.3%) of the respondents took farming as main occupation, also many of the respondents got information about CBNRMP through extension workers (66.7%) and television/radio (60.0%). Majority (71.7%) of the respondents had favourable perception of CBNRMP. There were positive and significant association between respondents? participation in CBNRMP and their age (r= 0.512; ?? 0.01); years of formal education (r= 0.483; ?? 0.01); perception of CBNRMP (r= 0.542; ?? 0.01) occupation (?2= 33.483; ?? 0.01); marital status (?2= 32.851; ?? 0.05); source of information about CBNRMP (?2= 31.612; ?? 0.01). Rural dwellers? participation in CBNRMP was high in the study area. It was recommended that conducive atmosphere that enhances meaningful participation of beneficiaries should be encouraged the more and challenges militating against participation of rural dwellers in CBNRMP should be adequately addressed by the stakeholders of the programme.




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