

The main objective of this study was to analyse the agro-biofortified information needs of cassava farmers in Oyo state, Nigeria. Data was collected from 80 respondents using a structured questionnaire to obtain information about their socioeconomic characteristics, awareness about bio-fortified cassava, source of information, information needs, challenges and perception about bio-fortified cassava. The data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (Chi-square) to test the hypothesis. The study revealed that 87.5% of the respondents were male while only 12.5% were female and they have formal education. Majority (93.8%) of the respondents are aware of bio-fortified cassava. It shows also that the major source of the respondent?s information on bio-fortified cassava were from Extension agent and radio with 32.0% and 30.7% respectively. The study further revealed extension agents visited 90.0% of the respondents and that 87.5% of the visited respondents received information about bio-fortified cassava from the extension agents. Results show that all the respondents (100%) had the challenge of inadequate funds and 84.0% had challenge of inadequate processing facilities. The study further revealed that most of the respondents (84.0%) strongly agree that bio-fortified cassava had nutritional benefits compared with white cassava while only few (5.30%) agree that the processing is time consuming/stressful. The Chi square analysis shows that there is no significant relationship between respondent?s socio economic characteristics and their awareness of bio-fortified cassava. Hence, the study recommends that extension agents should continue to reach out to the farmers especially through the radio in disseminating information about bio-fortified cassava.




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