This handbook is designed to present concise, comparable information for each of the 18 major regional farm supply purchasing cooperatives in the United States for their fiscal years ending in 1943 and in 1944 (part I), and to combine and analyze such information as a means of showing the character and significance of these associations as a group (part II). The associations described in this handbook perform wholesale service for retail cooperative outlets of various types, except for one association that distributes all supplies direct to individual purchasers. In addition to giving wholesale service, seven associations distribute supplies direct to farmers through their own retail outlets, while five also engage in the cooperative marketing of farm products. The individual reports in part I show clearly the main points of similarity and of difference. In this section is presented information for each of the 18 associations on such matters as date of organization, area of service, types of local outlets, volume of business, distribution of savings, and financial condition.