

Excerpts: The term “farm to school” refers to efforts to serve local foods to children in schools, childcare settings, and summer meal sites as well as providing education to help them understand where their food comes from and the importance of local agriculture. To gain insight into the farm to school practices implemented across the country, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service (USDA FNS) regularly conducts the Farm to School Census (Census). The Census is an online survey sent to all school food authorities (SFAs) in the U.S. and its territories that participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The Census collects information on farm to school participation, such as the types of farm to school activities SFAs do and do not participate in, support for these activities, and challenges to participating. Appendix C contains the complete 2023 Farm to School Census survey. The first Census was conducted in 2013, with additional surveys in 2015 and 2019. This report presents findings from the latest Farm to School Census, which was conducted in fall 2023 and asked questions about SFAs’ activities in school year (SY) 2022-23. The report is organized in four sections: •Overview of Farm to School Participation, summarizing key descriptors of farm to school participation among SFAs in SY 2022-23; • Farm to School Activities and Outcomes, providing details about the farm to school activities that SFAs engaged in and resulting outcomes; • Farm to School Environment, offering information about the policies and infrastructure that make up the context in which SFAs pursue farm to school; and • The Road Ahead for Farm to School, highlighting opportunities for growth of farm to school programs.




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