Excerpts: This report presents the results of a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) study to assess the implementation of Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) operations at the State agency level in four States [Louisiana, North Carolina, Oregon, & Tennessee] in the aftermath of a natural disaster and identify best practices in D-SNAP operations. This study assesses D-SNAP planning, implementation, and operations, including program integrity; presents data on the households served by D-SNAP; and describes best practices from four States with recent D-SNAP experience. Specifically, the study was designed to meet five study objectives: 1. Assess the implementation and operation of D-SNAP for selected disaster(s) in each study State. 2. Describe the characteristics and economic circumstances of the D-SNAP households for the selected disaster(s). 3. Document each State’s approach to protecting program integrity while operating D-SNAP for the selected disaster(s). 4. Determine best practices for developing annual disaster plans to address a variety of disaster types. 5. Determine best practices for implementing and operating D-SNAP for a variety of disaster types.