

The search for pastures by herdsmen has led to encroachment of arable crop farmers’ farms in -recent times. This encroachment has negative impacts on arable crops production. The study investigated the perception of arable crop farmers on herdsmen activities in Ibadan/Ibarapa agricultural zone of Oyo state. A Multi stage sampling procedure was used to select 110 respondents for the study. Structured interview schedule was used to collect data which were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools. Results showed that the mean age of respondents was 45.88 years, 86.4% were married with an average household size of 4.46 persons. Significant relationship existed between herdsmen activities (r=0.343), conflict resolution measures (r=0.242) and perception of farmers on herdsmen activities. The perception of arable crop farmers on herdsmen activities was favourable in the study area. Formation of conflicts resolution body that will see into settling conflicts between crop farmers and herdsmen should be put in place by leaders of the affected communities.




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