

The high rate of conversion of agricultural land to non-agriculture in West Java is a threat to the sustainability of agricultural land as a source of food production and has an impact on food security. The high rate of conversion of agricultural land is due to the low agricultural land rent. To improve agricultural land rent, Tasikmalaya Regency implements an organic rice farming system. In 2012, as much as 21% of the total paddy fields in Tasikmalaya District have implemented organic farming systems and have been able to expand the market overseas. Based on the results of the analysis, the value of organic rice land rent is IDR 14,974,224 / planting season / hectare or IDR 44,922,671 per year / hectare. The value of the Domestic Resource Ratio (DRC) shows that organic rice farming carried out by farmers has been efficient and has a comparative advantage and is able to survive without assistance or government intervention.




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