

The purpose of this study is to identify the causal relationship between fishery GDP and the economic growth of Oman. The study analyzes the contribution of fishery production, licenses issued, and fishery exports to the GDP of the fishery sector. The time series data on fishery production, GDP, license issued, and volume of exports for the period of 1998–2021 has been used in this study. The VAR lag selection criterion, ADF unit root test, pairwise Granger causality, ordinary least squares method, and vector autoregression lag order model have been used as tools for analyses. The finding states that there is a unidirectional relationship between GDPF2 (GDP fishery in second order) and GDPT (Real GDP of the country). The past value of GDPT can predict the value of GDPF2, and there exists a causal relationship (independence) between the real gross domestic product of the country and fishery production. The study also found that, though GDPF2 is mostly affected by fishery production, the number of licenses issued, and the volume of exports have no significant impact on GDP. It has been recommended that the government should focus on its export and licensing policies to improve the fishing industry's proportionate share of economic growth.




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