Reduced tillage is an increasingly popular farming method in many parts of the world. In some countries it is used on 50% of the total arable area, but in Denmark the area with reduced tillage is only 10%. The benefit from reduced tillage is less labour use and lower machinery costs per ha, but there are also environmental benefits as e.g. reduced phosphorus losses and CO2 emissions. The economic results calculated are based on the DOP II farm economic model, covering arable farms on clay soil. The conclusion is that reduced tillage increases profits by 67 € per ha and there is also a reduction in the use of fuel and in the nitrogen surplus. When no increase in use of pesticide is allowed, the increase in profit from reduced tillage is still 65 € per ha as the change towards spring crops in the reduced till system in itself reduces the pesticide use. Reduced tillage is expected to increase in Denmark, however, experience shows that it might not be a successful strategy for all farmers.