This study analyzes the marketing cost, margin and price spread of cabbage crops in Rajasthan state using multistage random sampling design. The study covered 120 cabbage cultivators from Nagaur and Sikar districts of Rajasthan State. For marketing aspects, five functionaries from each category of cabbage marketing were randomly selected from kuchaman city and Sikar markets. The total marketed surplus of cabbage was observed at 1610.56 quintals. Out of this, a major share of 44.18 percent was sold through wholesalers- cum commissions agents, followed by wholesalers (28.01 per cent), retailers (20.62 per cent) and village traders (7.19 per cent) to cabbage growers. Among the different marketing costs borne by the grower, transportation cost ranked first and commission charges was highest for wholesalers cum commission agents. Among the various costs borne by the retailer, the maximum share was observed for spoilage. The total margin was higher at a retailer’s level than at the wholesale level, representing 11.41 per cent and 2.73 per cent of the consumer price, respectively. Marketing cost incurred by various functionaries was to Rs.210.18 per quintal of cabbage, which represented 25.49 per cent of the consumer price. The producer's share was 60.36 per cent of the price paid by cabbage consumers. It was proposed to sell cabbage to direct consumer, malls, catering etc. to have higher share in consumer rupees.