The PMKISAN scheme has been implemented from 1st December 2018 with income support of Rs. 6000/- per farm family in three installments of Rs 2000/- each in the beginning of crop season. The beneficiaries of PMKISAN in Karnataka are using higher inputsfor ragi cultivation. The resultant effect is increase in yield and income. The B:C ratio of ragi enterprise is higher among the beneficiary farmers as compared to non-beneficiary farmers. The presence of money has enabled the farmers to be technically more efficient as compared to non-beneficiary farmers. The beneficiary farmers have realised 9.07 per cent higher gross return as compared to non-beneficiary farmers. The beneficairies have moved up the technical efficiency ladder with greater proportion of farmers being observed with medium and above efficiency as compared to non-beneficiaries. It is therefore suggested that the scheme must be continued in future to boost the agricultural sector.