

Public investment in Indian agriculture has generated considerable debate and interest. The debate lacks on two counts. One, most researchers have been using CSO series on public investment which consists largely of investments in irrigation and does not include such important heads like rural roads, rural electrification and several other items which are relevant and essential for growth and development of agriculture sector. The CSO series has inherent limitations, due to its restrictive coverage which affect further analysis. The present study constructs an alternative series on public investments for agriculture, which includes all major heads related to the development of agriculture. The new series reveals the true trend in investments made for agriculture sector and is more appropriate for studying the impact of public investment on private investments. Two, complete information on public investments in agriculture at state level has been missing. The present study constructs complete series on capital expenditure for agriculture for the last 23 years for each state of India. The study explores determinants of private agricultural investment since 1980-81, which represent the phase of declining public investment in agriculture. The relationship between indicators of agricultural performance and investments has been analyzed and the implications of emerging trends in public and private investments on agriculture sector have been discussed. The findings of the study provide insights into the importance being accorded for development of infrastructure for 7agriculture and regional disparities in the same. I hope the paper would be useful to both researchers and policy planners as it addresses analytical issues and issues of policy relevance.




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